Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Do any of you have "home verses"?

I've been wanting to put some verses on my wall (like Upper Case Living type thing). I've wanted to do it before the big remodel. I just never came up with the verse I wanted. How about you? Do you have scripture on your walls? Either in vinyl or framed art? I'd like something for my new "sun" room, that has beautiful views of Pikes Peak. (mtns declare your glory??) I also want one down in our guest room (Adam's room). Down there it doesn't necessarily need to be scripture. I'd like a good family quote/verse as well. Anyone? I'll probably put a "create" type thing in my area in the basement where I do my scrapbooking, stamping, crafting.
Have any of you used Upper Case Living? Like it? No? I just got my hands on a catalog (finally, been wanting one for a long time) I know Stampin' Up has wall art now. Way back when I searched on the internet and found a company where you can basically design your own - little pricy.
Anyway, I'm soliciting ideas.
During our remodle, we had to put in a significant steel beam where our old coat closet was holding up the upstairs :) I wanted to put a verse on that beam before we covered it....never happened.
Perhaps you don't have wall art, but do you have a family verse? I've heard of people doing that. Love that idea. We don't....yet. What are your family verses?


  1. Proverbs 24:3-4

    By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established;
    through knowledge its rooms are filled
    with rare and beautiful treasures.

    This is the verse I had on my walls back home in MI. I do have something in almost ever room of my house that says the word "faith" though.

    I hope you find something inspiring soon.

  2. Tammy, I like it. I'm thinking for the sun room: "Your creation declares Your Glory" - subtle above the windows facing the mountains. I also am thinking something like: "may all who enter in find us faithful" I want something that somehow conveys that we take pretty seriously that within the walls of our home, the Lord will be glorified. Still thinking.... Then in the guest room something about our guests feeling at home and peaceful in our home. It'll come, and it will be perfect :) Thanks for sharing.

  3. My mom cross-stitched & then had framed the following verse for me when I was engaged to Michael:
    Galatians 6:9 & 10

    Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

    It's hanging in our "library" (a family room with our fireplace in it - but we have lots of books in there - so we've named it our library).

    How great to come up with some inspirational scripture to have placed around the house.

    Here's a few I found after doing a search on "home" in the Bible...not sure if any fit for you....but interesting none-the-less:

    Job 21:9
    Their homes are safe and free from fear

    Prov 3:33
    The Lord blesses the home of the righteous

    Isaiah 32:18
    My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest.

    Acts 2:46
    They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts

    Ezek. 3:12
    May the glory of the LORD be praised in His dwelling place!

  4. Thanks Karen. These are great - out of the ordinary. I really like the Acts 2:46 for our kitchen. ALso Ezek 3:12.....want to be sure what the context of His dwelling place is :) I'd love to use the Prov 3:33, but not sure how comfortable I am with putting up "..home of the righteous". Who me???? Us? Off the cuff it seems it would look a bit pompous - certainly don't want THAT! :) I like the Job 21:9 too. Dan and I really do try to instill in the boys (as well as us) that home is a safe place, always. especially as they enter the big bad ugly world and face school yard drama. We really want home to be where it is safe. See, I like them all. :)

  5. Amy... I found your blog through my sister in law Rachel's blog... anyway- these are the verses we have in our home..

    Where you treasure is, there will your heart be also- Matt 6:21

    As for me and my house we will serve the Lord- Josh 42:15

    Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart- Ps 37:4

    Not all "home" verses but all are verses that we have fallen on and cling to. I LOVE having them literally written on the walls... great reminder to have God's word surrounding you at all times!

  6. Thanks Chelsea. Welcome to my blog. I appreciate your input - I hope to hear more from you! I just love your SIL. :-D
