Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Safety of Self Control

Today's post comes from a chapter in my book Feminine Appeal. Yes, going at this one v.e.r.y. slow, but that's ok. Self Control is (WAS) typically a sin I really didn't think I had toooo much problem with. It's one of those that I always thought I had pretty much in control (pun intended). Then I read this chapter, and then God did His work. As He always does so fabulously. CONVICTED. and I learned a thing or two. First thing I learned, I need to re-read the chapter and really ponder it a bit more. I thought the title "safety of self control" was a bit odd, and now I'm just loving it. Basically (you can go read it for yourself) where the "safety" comes in, was totally new to me. Our SELF CONTROL is God's way to keep us "safe" from our sins. (duh) When we exercise self control in the areas where we struggle with our self control, victory means safety from sin. How cool is that? I thought it was. Going in a little deeper into my world....self control over sleep really hit home for me. I am, what we call "not a morning person". When said like that, it's quite acceptable right. I just do not get up easily. I sleep hard. (as my roomie at the woman's retreat will attest, poor thing, giggle) It's just the way it is. woa, not so fast my fellow sleepy heads. One point she raised, which stung deep was: "I am often tempted to stay up late at night and indulge in some form of relaxation." Amen sistah. I hear you. LOVE my night time. Then she quoted Martha Peace: "I have heard of women who pride themselves on being "night people." That means they have trouble getting up in the mornings because they come alive at night. They may stay up to all hours reading, watching television, or pursuing some sort of interest. The next morning they are too tired to get up and care for their family. . . " Ok, I caught it - zing. I don't necessarily need to get up, Dan is already up, he, after all is a "morning person". She continues with her quote of Martha Peace: "These women are not "night people." They are lazy and selfish." Now wait a minute.....lazy and selfish??? continuing "Who would not rather stay up late to do whatever they pleased and sleep late the next day? Once a young wife begins getting up earlier than her children (what is that?) and her husband (I cannot even imagine this), she will cease to be a "night person." She will be tired at night and go to bed at a reasonable hour so she will be there to serve her family the next morning." Waaaa. I've been nailed. Let me first disclaim here, just cuz I was convicted by this, doesn't mean you should be. God works at us differently - so I am not proposing we ALL need to work on this. I'm just saying this really hit me, and came right out of left field. Which when things like this happen, I can be most assured that it's God working, and when I know it's God, I DO sit up and listen. So Guess what....I'm going to take it to prayer and ask God to help me serve my family when they wake up. I was thinking about this over the past days. How about I post a few pictures of my sleeping brood? I just cannot imagine being the first one up in the house. I LOVE the idea, but typically I'd say it's just not realistic for me. Now I'll remember "lazy" and "selfish". Yep, I'd have to agree with it, now that it's been put in front of my face.
If my childhood friend Carolyn is reading, I'm sure you are laughing to yourself. I remember many a days you'd come "wake me up" for grade school, only to find me in a huge tangled hair in my face mess. I've never been a morning person. We'll see how this goes.
There was much more I learned/was convicted from this chapter, but I'll let it go at the sleep one. Maybe post more another time.
Dan got employed today! Unbelievable. I just sit and shake my head at how God works in his life (Dan's). The kicker here, it's a GOOD JOB - not "just a job". Not a job to "pay the bills", but a pretty decent job. He started immediately (today) I'll have to post more about it later. I'm tired, and I've got a crazy day tomorrow and so much to do, and you know, see my blurb above. Time to get to bed at a decent hour.
So, in my randomness, what are your thoughts on Self Control? What comes to your mind when someone suggests practicing Self Control? I think of over eating, drinking, drugs, sex, anger, shopping. See, where I was coming from, these areas, I'm not so bad, not perfect, but not so bad. But then she suggested I was "lazy" at serving my family because I was in bed when they get up and start their day. Again, good stuff. Really enjoying the book - easy read, have been getting good stuff to ponder. Will you ponder with me?

1 comment:

  1. Hi you! Thanks for your thoughts. Self Control is a tough thing and easy to just .... not deal with! :) It's easier to just avoid it than to analyze it and say "Lord, where do I need to change? Show me and give me the strength" Certainly for me over eating and over spending are 2 major problems for me that I've been convicted of. It's easy for me to feel convicted one moment, and push it under the rug the next minute and just do whatever I want and "deal" with God and consequences later. Boy, what a sinner I am! :) Only by the grace of God...... :)

    So excited that Dan has a job and praying for all of you to adjust to him being a 9 to 5er again. :)
